Tuesday, 8 March 2016

what are basal dental implants ?

                             Safe &
                             Painless Immediate loading
  •     Basal / Cortical bone support

§  Single piece implantology
§  ‘key hole’ impantology
§  No bone graft
§  No sinus lift
§  Used in medically compromised conditions
§  Used for unfavourable bone conditions

         The implants take support from the basal bone which is more resistant to resorption,

          The single piece  type implants can be inserted often flapless (“Keyhole implants”) and involving minimum bone cutting.

·         No need of bone augmentation / grafting, sinus lifts and nerve trans-positioning
·         Basal implants are selected  to suit the patient’s own available bone – with respect to quality and quantity.
·         With single stage anesthesia implant placement can be done immediately after multiple extractions in single  stage anesthesia 

Distribution of masticatory forces – (RESISTANT  TO  RESORPTION)
·         The basal implants are anchored in high quality basal bone, the biomechanical loads (masticatory forces etc.) are distributed to the cortical bone regions which are highly resistant to resorption and have very high repairing capacity.
·         The force distribution is away from the bone areas surrounding the implant which are prone to bacterial invasion and hence these implants survive very well even in very unfavorable conditions.
·         This sort of force distribution also helps in the prevention of “facial collapse” owing to bone resorption in the areas where there is no masticatory stimulation

 Peri-implantitis incidence 
·         Peri-implantitis is the single most common cause for failure of conventional implants. smooth surface basal implants eliminate the threat of peri-implantitis by almost 98%.
 Medically compromised situations –
 Basal implants suitable for         
                                              Controlled diabetes
                                              Chronic destructive periodontitis and
                                              Having little or no bone for conventional implants.

         Diabetes Mellitus 
·         Conventional dental implants are  contra-indicated in diabetes patients.
·         This is because, diabetes is associated with
              Increased susceptibility to infection,
              Impaired wound healing and gum diseases (gingivitis, periodontitis etc.) 
·         Basal implants are smooth surface implants which do not permit bacterial colonization on the implant surfaces.

·               Smokers  are prone to gingivitis and gingival recession which cause infection around the implant (peri-implantitis) leading to their failure.
·               Smoking affect  the blood flow to the oral tissue like the gums, teeth and bone, which in turn results in slower healing of the implant site.
·               The basal implants, since the load bearing areas are far away from the areas of the mouth affected by smoking, they take up well.
·          Smoking immediately after implant surgery will be unfavorable for wound healing even in the case of basal implants.
Acute Destructive Periodontitis 
  • ·         Dental implants are contra indicated in patients with acute periodontitis and those with history of destructive gums diseases  present with multiple mobile teeth and painful, inflammed gums which bleed easily.
  • ·         Smooth surface basal implants work wonderfully well in such patients that they are resistant to bacterial attack.
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 Contact us at:

phone no: +91 - 98404 49777.

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